Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring has Sprung.... sorta

I can't even begin to describe how badly I want spring to hurry up and get here. The inlaws were in town this weekend and we took them to the garden show (so awesome!). Seeing all the plants, flowers and patio accessories made me want to get out in my garden and plant things!! Only if the weather would warm up and stop freezing at night I might be able to. I got quite a few neat ideas for my own garden as well as a sweet solid concrete turtle paver from a stone guy out of Spokane Washington. Look how cute he is!! Now I just have to find a place to put him.

After the garden show, I took the inlaws to a local garden nursery to peruse the plants and flowers. While it was just a few weeks too early for a lot of stuff to be in, there was this really cute terra cotta planter.

My mom and I are making a trip to the Home Depot on Thursday to get the stuff to make these ourselves. We could make 3 of these for the price of one at the nursery. I'll make sure to take some photos during that adventure. On Sunday John and I made a trip to the Home Depot and Zamzows and came home with some spanish moss stepables for my garden path a compost tumbler!! I am so excited to start a batch of compost. My garden is going to love me!! I did some reading online about composting and its impact on the environment. Apparently about 1/3 of household and yard waste can be saved from the garbage dumps by composting. Wahoo!!

Think spring!!