My fantastically handy husband helped me build some plyometric boxes to torture (I mean train) my track athletes with this season. I spent some time outside today spray painting them in the blue and yellow school colors. I mean they had to be painted, so why not give them some school spirit. I read the instructions carefully on the back of the can of spray paint and it says spray outside in a well ventialted area. So I did. I was outside in the front yard with a plastic tarp covering my grass spraying a 15 inch box midnight blue. I had two 15 inch boxes and one 24 inch box to paint, probably took me about 30 minutes. Now after painting these boxes outside I still managed to get a headache from the fumes. So I ask you, how in the world can someone huff paint? I mean I was outside and I still got a headache, I can only imagine how I would feel if I sprayed it into a bag and huffed it. Why would anyone want to do that?? I'm thinking heroin might be a better way to get high than huffing. However, I would recommend not doing either. On a side note, track starts in 4 days and its snowing..... This is the large box. The other small one is also solid blue. I was going to try to do something fancy like painting both blue and yellow sides or adding a "M" but this weather just doesn't want to cooperate.
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