Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tower of Terra Cotta Pot Awesomeness

I finally got around to putting together my terra cotta pot tower. The weather even cooperated and I got something planted! Hooray!! I started by finding a place that was somewhat protected from the wind. We have had some insane weather this spring with lots and lots of wind so even though it is pretty sturdy, I wanted a little extra protection just in case.

I sunk an 8 foot piece of rebar into the ground about 2 feet and placed the base pot for support.

I then added the first pot and filled it with potting soil. The second pot is for extra support and a base to start stacking the other teetering pots.
After the base was complete, I just started stacking the other pots up. It took me a few tries to get them in the right order.
I decided to plant the pots with succulents. A few of the pots have trailing plants that will eventually spill out over the sides. One of the pots have a few hens and chicks (for my husband). I still need to add a few plants in a few of the pots so they are little more full, but for now its a pretty good start. The succulents require far less water and will do well in the blazing Idaho summer.
It was a fun experience and I spent a fraction of the price making it myself then buying it from the nursery!

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I was searching for information about "Hens and Chicks" and came across your blog... very interested to see how this turned out! And I think I'm going to copy and put one in my backyard!
